LIFEWTR series 12:
True colors
Role: Lead brand designer, project manager
Design ask: To design 360 assets for the 2022 new series from artist research to final packaging and real-world assets
An entire LIFEWTR Series creation that began with artist research, ideation and collaboration, product and asset development, photoshoot, creative development, and campaign creation to seeing it on the shelf and in consumers' hands.

We directed a photo and video shoot to amplify this series's assets and to be used as leading creative for our 'True Colors' campaign. The shoot was done all around water, playing with waves, splashes, and ripples that fit in the LIFEWTR visual world. Knowing that we wanted to stretch what the shot assets could be, we created animations that blended and played with each artwork's characteristics.
We also used this series to revamp spaces in the IAD and DCA airports in Washington, DC.

To highlight this campaign, went through a redesign to highlight the new collection by Michela. We officially launched this series on the PepsiCo Design Instagram and LIFEWTR Instagram page.
Graphics for the announcement of LIFEWTR’s partnership with LeBron James was also illustrated to be used across social and PR.